Company: BPL
Year: Mid / Late 1990s
An Indian consumer electronics and mobile services brand fighting the ever increasing love of Indians with anything "foreign", specifically from the brand context, Korean and Japanese brands in its space (electronics) and Hutch in mobile services. Indians have always tend to love foreign brands (except for a few Indian brands like Royal Enfield and now Patanjali etc) and when they started getting access to them post liberalisation, its anyone guess what would be the reaction!
Keep in mind it was still 1990s - Hire an extremely popular face (Amitabh Bachchan, who else in 1990s) who represents India and Indian-ness, who has a following across generations and let him give some food for thought to Indians.
Print and TVHere are the ads: try to read the copy ... its where the meat is :)
(zoom from browser window or open in a new tab ... I am telling you, it would be worth it)

Trivia: It was Big Bs first ad and it was his first & last ad before that famous french cut beard came in! (People of this generation will never understand why whatever he did (including growing a beard or cutting it) became a national talking point and how people reacted!!)
Interpretation & Analysis - later ... for now njoi d wonderful copy of the ads n think about it :) ... However, I would love to know your interpretation and analysis!!